Fuscidea cyathoides (Ach.) V. Wirth & Vězda

in Wirth, Beitr. naturk. Forsch. Südwestdeutschl., 31: 92, 1972. Basionym: Lichen cyathoides Ach. - Lichenogr. Suec. Prodr.: 62, 1799.
Synonyms: Biatora rivulosa (Ach.) Fr.; Fuscidea subrivulosa (Vain.) P. James, Poelt & May.Inoue; Lecidea cyathoides (Ach.) Ach.; Lecidea rivulosa Ach.
Distribution: N - Frl, Ven, TAA, Lomb, Piem (Isocrono & al. 2004), Emil (Fariselli & al. 2020), Lig. C - Tosc (Tretiach & al. 2008), Laz (TO 1729). S - Camp (Ricciardi & al. 2000, Ravera & Brunialti 2013), Si (Jatta 1909-1911).
Description: Thallus crustose, continuous to rimose- cracked, pale to dark grey, brownish grey or brown, often delimited by a dark brown to black prothallus and forming mosaics. Soralia very rarely present, yellowish, sometimes tinged brown, bursting from the apices of the areoles. Medulla I-. Apothecia lecideine, constricted at base, round to irregular, to 1.8 mm across, with a brown to black, flat disc, and a prominent, smooth to strongly flexuose proper margin which is often slightly paler than disc. Proper exciple brown in outer part, paler within, P+ rust red; epithecium brown; hymenium colourless or faintly brownish; paraphyses 1.5-2 μm thick at mid-level, simple or sparingly branched, weakly conglutinated in water, becoming free in K, the apical cells to 4-5 μm wide; hypothecium colourless. Asci 8-spored, clavate, with a thin external and internal K/I+ dark blue cap surrounded by a thick K/I+ pale blue apical cap, and with a K/I- apical tube in tholus, Fuscidea-type. Ascospores 1-celled, hyaline to finally pale brown, broadly ellipsoid when young, bean-shaped when mature, (8-)10-11(-14.5) x 4-6 μm. Pycnidia abundant, brown, immersed to emergent, with a thin thalline rim. Conidia bacilliform 3-4.5 x 1-2 μm. Photobiont chlorococcoid. Spot tests: thallus K+ brownish yellow, C-, KC-, P+ rust red, UV-. Chemistry: fumarprotocetraric acid (major), protocetraric acid (trace).
Note: a cool-temperate to southern boreal-montane, perhaps circumpolar lichen found on siliceous rocks, mostly in humid upland areas. See also note on F. stiriaca.
Growth form: Crustose
Substrata: rocks
Photobiont: green algae other than Trentepohlia
Reproductive strategy: mainly sexual
Most common in areas with a humid-warm climate (e.g. most of Tyrrenian Italy)

Commonnes-rarity: (info)

Alpine belt: absent
Subalpine belt: absent
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: rather rare
Submediterranean belt: extremely rare
Padanian area: absent
Humid submediterranean belt: very rare
Humid mediterranean belt: absent
Dry mediterranean belt: absent

pH of the substrata:


Solar irradiation:








Altitudinal distribution:


Predictive model
Herbarium samples

P.L. Nimis CC BY-SA 4.0
TSB 41239

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[18915], Frankreich, Vogesen, zwischen Colmar und Gerardmer, Col de la Schlucht, nahe Centre de ski de fond; 48.0622° N, 7.02068° E, 1140 m. Leg. et det. F. Schumm 25.06.2013

P.L. Nimis; Owner: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
Herbarium: TSB (9332)

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[18915], Frankreich, Vogesen, zwischen Colmar und Gerardmer, Col de la Schlucht, nahe Centre de ski de fond; 48.0622° N, 7.02068° E, 1140 m. Leg. et det. F. Schumm 25.06.2013

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[18915], Frankreich, Vogesen, zwischen Colmar und Gerardmer, Col de la Schlucht, nahe Centre de ski de fond; 48.0622° N, 7.02068° E, 1140 m. Leg. et det. F. Schumm 25.06.2013

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[18915], Frankreich, Vogesen, zwischen Colmar und Gerardmer, Col de la Schlucht, nahe Centre de ski de fond; 48.0622° N, 7.02068° E, 1140 m. Leg. et det. F. Schumm 25.06.2013

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[18915], Frankreich, Vogesen, zwischen Colmar und Gerardmer, Col de la Schlucht, nahe Centre de ski de fond; 48.0622° N, 7.02068° E, 1140 m. Leg. et det. F. Schumm 25.06.2013

Helena Rodriguez
Spain, Xerés, Ourense

Pier Luigi Nimis CC BY-SA 4.0
TSB 42530

Pier Luigi Nimis CC BY-SA 4.0
TSB 42530

Zahlbruckner A. 1926. Lichenes (Flechten). In: Engler A. (ed.): Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien. 2nd ed., vol 8, W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 270 pp.

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[18915], Frankreich, Vogesen, zwischen Colmar und Gerardmer, Col de la Schlucht, nahe Centre de ski de fond; 48.0622° N, 7.02068° E, 1140 m. Leg. et det. F. Schumm 25.06.2013

Michel David- Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=131&lang=en
France, Cap de la Chèvre

Michel David- Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=131&lang=en
France, Cap de la Chèvre

Michel David- Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=131&lang=en
France, Cap de la Chèvre

Michel David- Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=131&lang=en
France, Cap de la Chèvre

Michel David- Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=131&lang=en
France, Pointe de Pen-Hir

Alain Girault - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=131&lang=en
France, Pointe de Dinan

Alain Girault - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=131&lang=en
France, Kergonan

Alain Girault - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=131&lang=en
France, Pointe de Dinan

Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=131&lang=en
France, Montherme

Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=131&lang=en
France, Montherme

Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=131&lang=en
France, Montherme

Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=131&lang=en
France, Montherme

Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=131&lang=en
France, Montherme

Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=131&lang=en
France, Montherme

Marta González Garcia - Centro de Estudios Micologicos Asturianos
Spain, Villamayor (Piloña-Asturias), 7-III-2024, en rocas ácidas, junto a Cladonia squamosa, leg. & det. M. González.

Marta González Garcia - Centro de Estudios Micologicos Asturianos
Spain, Villamayor (Piloña-Asturias), 7-III-2024, en rocas ácidas, junto a Cladonia squamosa, leg. & det. M. González.

Marta González Garcia - Centro de Estudios Micologicos Asturianos
Spain, Villamayor (Piloña-Asturias), 7-III-2024, en rocas ácidas, junto a Cladonia squamosa, leg. & det. M. González.

Marta González Garcia - Centro de Estudios Micologicos Asturianos
Spain, Villamayor (Piloña-Asturias), 7-III-2024, en rocas ácidas, junto a Cladonia squamosa, leg. & det. M. González.

Marta González Garcia - Centro de Estudios Micologicos Asturianos
Spain, Villamayor (Piloña-Asturias), 7-III-2024, en rocas ácidas, junto a Cladonia squamosa, leg. & det. M. González.

Marta González Garcia - Centro de Estudios Micologicos Asturianos
Spain, Villamayor (Piloña-Asturias), 7-III-2024, en rocas ácidas, junto a Cladonia squamosa, leg. & det. M. González.

Marta González Garcia - Centro de Estudios Micologicos Asturianos
Spain, Villamayor (Piloña-Asturias), 7-III-2024, en rocas ácidas, junto a Cladonia squamosa, leg. & det. M. González.

Marta González Garcia - Centro de Estudios Micologicos Asturianos
Spain, Villamayor (Piloña-Asturias), 7-III-2024, en rocas ácidas, junto a Cladonia squamosa, leg. & det. M. González.

Marta González Garcia - Centro de Estudios Micologicos Asturianos
Spain, Villamayor (Piloña-Asturias), 7-III-2024, en rocas ácidas, junto a Cladonia squamosa, leg. & det. M. González.

Marta González Garcia - Centro de Estudios Micologicos Asturianos
Spain, Villamayor (Piloña-Asturias), 7-III-2024, en rocas ácidas, junto a Cladonia squamosa, leg. & det. M. González.

Marta González Garcia - Centro de Estudios Micologicos Asturianos
Spain, Villamayor (Piloña-Asturias), 7-III-2024, en rocas ácidas, junto a Cladonia squamosa, leg. & det. M. González.

Marko Doboš
34330, Velika, Croatia