
ritalic is an R package which gives you access to ITALIC mediated data via its RESTful API.

ritalic package provides a series of function to:

How to install

The package can be installed from CRAN

# install from CRAN:
# install.packages("ritalic")

# load the library:

For this guide we load some other utility libraries


Available functions


  • italic_match is the core function of ritalic:
  • takes a vector of scientific names as input and align them to checklist of ITALIC and retrieves the corresponding accepted names
  • accepted names can later be passed to the other functions of the package to get data about these taxa
match <- ritalic::italic_match(c('Cetraria islandica L. subsp. islandica', 'Lecanora albela','Parmelia caperata (L.) Ach', 'Ramalina americana Hal' ))
accepted_names <- match$accepted_name

now we can store the accepted names into a variable to easily pass them to the next functions

accepted_names <- match$accepted_name


return the description and the additional notes of a taxon

descriptions <- ritalic::italic_description(accepted_names)


returns data related to the taxon:

Substrata and morpho-functional traits:
  • saxicolous
  • on lignum
  • epiphytic
  • on soil, terricolous mosses, plant debris
  • foliicolous
  • green algae other than Trentepohlia
  • trentepohlia
  • cyanobacteria, filamentous form, e.g. Nostoc, Scytonema
  • cyanobacteria, coccaceous form, e.g. Gloeocapsa, Xanthocapsa
  • fruticose
  • fruticose filamentous
  • foliose
  • foliose broad-lobed, Parmelia type
  • foliose narrow-lobed, Physcia type
  • foliose umbilicate
  • crustose
  • crustose endolithic
  • crustose placodiomorph
  • leprose
  • squamulose
  • lichenicolous fungus
  • non-lichenized, non-lichenicolous fungus
  • oceanic
  • suboceanic
  • subcontinental
  • on otherwise dry surfaces with periodical seepage of water after rain
  • periodical submerged, e.g. in creeks or on coastal maritime rocks
  • on surface seldom wetted by rain, e.g. underhangs
  • mainly sexual
  • mainly asexual, by soredia or soredia-like structures, e.g. blastidia
  • mainly asexual, by isidia or isidia-like structures, e.g. schizidia
  • mainly asexual, by thallus fragmentation
Ecological indicators, poleotolerance and altitudinal distribution:
  • 1 - on very acid substrata, such as lignum and conifer bark
  • 2 - on acid substrata, such as on non-eutrophicated bark of Quercus
  • 3 - on subacid to subneutral substrata (e.g. on bark of Sambucus)
  • 4 - on slightly basic substrata, such as dust-covered bark
  • 5 - on basic substrata, e.g. pure limestone


  • 1 - in very shaded situations, e.g. deep gorges, closed evergreen forests
  • 2 - in shaded situations, such as on the northern side of boles in close-canopied deciduous forests
  • 3 - in sites with plenty of diffuse light but scarce direct solar irradiation, such as in rather open-canopied deciduous woodlands
  • 4 - in sun-exposed sites, but avoiding extreme solar irradiation
  • 5 - in sites with very high direct solar irradiation, such as on the southern side of isolated boles


  • 1 - hydro- and hygrophytic, in aquatic or marine situations, or in sites with a very high frequency of fog
  • 2 - rather hygrophytic, intermediate between 1 and 2
  • 3 - mesophytic
  • 4 - xerophytic, but absent from extremely arid stands
  • 5 - very xerophytic


  • 1 - not resistant to eutrophication
  • 2 - resistant to a very weak eutrophication
  • 3 - resistant to a weak eutrophication
  • 4 - occurring in rather eutrophicated situations
  • 5 - occurring in highly eutrophicated situations


  • 1 - eu-Mediterranean belt (potential vegetation: evergreen Quercus ilex forest)
  • 2 - submediterranean belt (deciduous Quercus-Carpinus forests)
  • 3 - montane belt (Fagus forests, marking treeline in the Apennines)
  • 4 - subalpine and oroboreal belts of the Alps (natural Picea abies, and Larix-Pinus cembra stands)
  • 5 - above treeline (both Alpine and oromediterranean)
  • 6 - nival belt of the Alps
poleotolerance This value points to the tendency of a lichen to occur in areas with different degrees of human disturbance. It is expressed on 4 classes, as follows:
  • 3 - species occurring also in heavily disturbed areas, incl. large towns
  • 2 - species occurring also in moderately disturbed areas (agricultural areas, small settlements etc.).
  • 1 - species mostly occurring in natural or semi-natural habitats
  • 0 - species which exclusively occur on old trees in ancient, undisturbed forests.
taxon_data <-  ritalic::italic_ecology_traits(accepted_names)


returns the taxonomic classification of a taxon

systematics <- ritalic::italic_taxonomy(accepted_names)


returns the commonness-rarity for each ecoregion of Italy

How to read and understand the values:
ecoregions in Italy
ecoregions in Italy

Ecoregions in italy

  • A: Alpine (above treeline in the Alps and in Abruzzo)
  • A1: Subalpine (near treeline in the Alps, oroboreal belt)
  • B: Oromediterranean (above treeline outside the Alps except Abruzzo)
  • C: Montane (beech forests)
  • D: Dry submediterranean (deciduous oaks, excluding SmedH)
  • E: Padanian (the plains of the North): this is the only OGU which was not separated on the basis of climatical-biogeographical characters; it is the most heavily anthropised part of Italy, where several species do not occur because of pollution and/or almost total deforestation
  • F: Humid submediterranean (as SmedD, but restricted to areas with a warm-humid climate, mostly Tyrrhenian)
  • G: Humid Mediterranean (mostly Tyrrhenian)
  • H: Dry Mediterranean
rarity <- ritalic::italic_ecoregions_distribution(accepted_names)


returns the presence / absence (1 / 0) of a taxon in each of the 20 administrative regions of Italy

Administrative regions:
distribution <- ritalic::italic_regions_distribution(accepted_names)


Creates a distribution map for a given taxon based on its commonness/rarity status across Italian ecoregions and presence/absence across administrative regions.

By default the returned result has plot=TRUE, but changed to plot=FALSE to retrieve a sf object

distribution_map <- ritalic::italic_distribution_map(accepted_names[1])


returns all the georeferenced occurrences of a taxon

occurrences <- ritalic::italic_occurrences(accepted_names[1])
occurrences <- occurrences %>%
  mutate(decimalLatitude = as.numeric(decimalLatitude)) %>%
  mutate(decimalLongitude = as.numeric(decimalLongitude)) %>%
  mutate(coordinatesUncertaintyInMeters = as.numeric(coordinatesUncertaintyInMeters))
## [1] 370

The occurrences can be displayed in a nice map with leaflet:

occurrences %>%
  leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>%
  setView(lng = 9.0, lat = 42.0, zoom = 5) %>%
  #addMarkers(~decimalLongitude, ~decimalLatitude, popup = ~scientificName)
  addCircleMarkers(~decimalLongitude, ~decimalLatitude,
    radius = 3,
    color = "red",
    stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 1


checklist <- ritalic::italic_checklist()
## [1] "Absconditella annexa (Arnold) Vězda"              
## [2] "Absconditella celata Döbbeler & Poelt"            
## [3] "Absconditella delutula (Nyl.) Coppins & H. Kilias"
## [4] "Absconditella fossarum Vězda & Pišút"             
## [5] "Absconditella lignicola Vězda & Pišút"            
## [6] "Absconditella pauxilla Vězda & Vivant"
print(paste("n of taxa:", length(checklist)))
## [1] "n of taxa: 3375"


Retuns a list of traits for the passed taxa The list is based on the identification keys in ITALIC

traits <- ritalic::italic_traits_pa(accepted_names)


Returns the ids associated to the scientific names and taxa in ITALIC

id_names <- ritalic::italic_name_usage(accepted_names)