Porina ginzbergeri Zahlbr.

Österr. bot. Z., 53: 150, 1903.
Synonyms: Porina oleriana var. ginzbergeri (Zahlbr.) Clauzade & Cl. Roux; Pseudosagedia ginzbergeri (Zahlbr.) Hafellner & Kalb
Distribution: C - Laz. S - Cal (Puntillo 1996), Si.
Description: hallus crustose, immersed to thinly episubstratic, continuous to cracked, more rarely finely areolate, orange-brown when fresh, pale green-grey to rarely greyish black when stored in the herbarium. Perithecia 0.25–0.4 mm across, immersed only at the base, otherwise projecting and more or less sessile. Involucrellum violet, K + blue-grey, also with the Porina-yellow pigment at apex of exciple; exciple violet, often paler in lower part; hamathecium of simple or rarely branched paraphyses; hymenial gel I-, K/I-. Asci 8-spored, clavate-cylindrical, thin-walled, functionally unitunicate, I-, K/I-, the apex rounded, without a ring-structure. Ascospores (5–)6-7(–8)-septate, hyaline, (19-)22-40(-45) x 4-5 μm. Photobiont trentepohlioid. Spot tests: thallus K-, C-, KC-, P-, UV-. Chemistry: thallus without lichen substances.
Note: a mild-temperate lichen found on calcareous rocks in sheltered situations, often near the coast; mostly Tyrrhenian in Italy.
Growth form: Crustose
Substrata: rocks
Photobiont: Trentepohlia
Reproductive strategy: mainly sexual
Most common in areas with a humid-warm climate (e.g. most of Tyrrenian Italy)

Commonnes-rarity: (info)

Alpine belt: absent
Subalpine belt: absent
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: absent
Submediterranean belt: absent
Padanian area: absent
Humid submediterranean belt: very rare
Humid mediterranean belt: rare
Dry mediterranean belt: absent

pH of the substrata:


Solar irradiation:








Altitudinal distribution:


Predictive model
Herbarium samples

Harrie Sipman – Source http://www.bgbm.fu-berlin.de/sipman/Zschackia/AegeanLichens/CaloplacaAC.htm - As Caloplaca oasis

Courtesy Danièle et Olivier Gonnet - Source: https://www.afl-lichenologie.fr/Photos_AFL/Photos_AFL_P/Text_P_4/Porina_ginzbergeri.htm
France, 27/06/2018 - Poleymieux-au-Mont-d'Or - Rhône - (69) - la Roche percée , sur calcaire à gryphées

Courtesy Danièle et Olivier Gonnet - Source: https://www.afl-lichenologie.fr/Photos_AFL/Photos_AFL_P/Text_P_4/Porina_ginzbergeri.htm
France, 27/06/2018 - Poleymieux-au-Mont-d'Or - Rhône - (69) - la Roche percée , sur calcaire à gryphées

Courtesy Danièle et Olivier Gonnet - Source: https://www.afl-lichenologie.fr/Photos_AFL/Photos_AFL_P/Text_P_4/Porina_ginzbergeri.htm
France, 27/06/2018 - Poleymieux-au-Mont-d'Or - Rhône - (69) - la Roche percée , sur calcaire à gryphées

Courtesy Danièle et Olivier Gonnet - Source: https://www.afl-lichenologie.fr/Photos_AFL/Photos_AFL_P/Text_P_4/Porina_ginzbergeri.htm
France, 27/06/2018 - Poleymieux-au-Mont-d'Or - Rhône - (69) - la Roche percée , sur calcaire à gryphées