Pyrenodesmia badioreagens (Tretiach & Muggia) Søchting, Arup & Frödén

in Arup & al., Nord. J. Bot., 31: 73, 2013. Basionym: Caloplaca badioreagens Tretiach & Muggia - Lichenologist, 38: 224, 2006.
Distribution: C - Abr (Tretiach & Muggia 2006), Sar (Muggia & al. 2007). S - Pugl (Tretiach & Muggia 2006, Frolov & al. 2020).
Description: Thallus crustose, mostly endosubstratic, sometimes poorly evident, chalky white to grey, forming up to 6 cm wide patches delimited by a white prothallus and a very thin, black line. Medulla devoid of spherical oil-hyphae. Apothecia lecideine, numerous, 0.8-1 mm across, often irregular in shape, sessile and constricted at base, with a dark brown to black, often slightly pruinose, at first slightly concave, then flat disc, and a persistent, raised, flexuose, sparsely to heavily pruinose, darker (when wet) proper margin. Exciple thick, of radiating, prosoplectenchymatous hyphae, the outer part grey-brown to dark brown, with minute crystals of calcium oxalates, the inner part colourless; epithecium grey-brown, K+ reddish brown; hymenium colourless, up to 125-150 µm high, I+ blue; paraphyses mostly simple, not constricted at septa, the apical cells up to 3-4 µm wide; hypothecium colourless, paraplectenchymatous. Asci 8-spored, clavate, functionally unitunicate, apically thickened with a broad internal beak, the inner part of apex and external cap I+ blue, Teloschistes-type. Ascospores 2-celled, polarilocular, hyaline, ellipsoid, 10-13(-14) x 5-7 µm, the equatorial thickening (“septum”) 1.5-3.5 µm. Pycnidia scattered to numerous, often more frequent in marginal parts, immersed, black in outer part, K+ violet, C+ red-violet, N+ vivid violet. Conidia simple, hyaline, subspherical, oblong or ovoid c. (1-)2-3 x 1-1.5 µm. Photobiont chlorococcoid. Spot tests: pigmented parts of prothallus and pycnidia K+ violet, C+ red-violet, N+ vivid violet. Chemistry: prothallus and pycnidia with the Sedifolia-grey pigment; apothecia with an unknown substance forming large rectangular crystal plates in GE and GAW, which are refractive under polarized light.
Note: a recently-described, rather peculiar species of the Mediterranean belt, exceptionally reaching to 1000 m on south-exposed vertical faces, found on calcareous boulders within xerothermic grasslands or maquis in sunny and dry situations. For further details see Tretiach & Muggia (2006) and Muggia & al. (2007).
Growth form: Crustose endolithic
Substrata: rocks
Photobiont: green algae other than Trentepohlia
Reproductive strategy: mainly sexual

Commonnes-rarity: (info)

Alpine belt: absent
Subalpine belt: absent
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: absent
Submediterranean belt: extremely rare
Padanian area: absent
Humid submediterranean belt: absent
Humid mediterranean belt: very rare
Dry mediterranean belt: very rare

pH of the substrata:


Solar irradiation:








Altitudinal distribution:


Predictive model
Herbarium samples

Felix Schumm CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_36413], Italy, Puglia, Prov. Foggia, Gargano Peninsula, Monte Sant’Angelo near the Church of Santa Maria di Pulsano, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach & L. Muggia, 03.06.2004

P.L.Nimis; Owner: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
Herbarium: TSB (38483)

Felix Schumm; Owner: CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_36413], Italy, Puglia, Prov. Foggia, Gargano Peninsula, Monte Sant’Angelo near the Church of Santa Maria di Pulsano, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach & L. Muggia, 03.06.2004

Felix Schumm; Owner: CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_36413], Italy, Puglia, Prov. Foggia, Gargano Peninsula, Monte Sant’Angelo near the Church of Santa Maria di Pulsano, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach & L. Muggia, 03.06.2004

Felix Schumm; Owner: CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_36413], Italy, Puglia, Prov. Foggia, Gargano Peninsula, Monte Sant’Angelo near the Church of Santa Maria di Pulsano, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach & L. Muggia, 03.06.2004

P.L.Nimis; Owner: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
Herbarium: TSB (38483)

Felix Schumm; Owner: CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_36413], Italy, Puglia, Prov. Foggia, Gargano Peninsula, Monte Sant’Angelo near the Church of Santa Maria di Pulsano, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach & L. Muggia, 03.06.2004

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_36413], Italy, Puglia, Prov. Foggia, Gargano Peninsula, Monte Sant’Angelo near the Church of Santa Maria di Pulsano, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach & L. Muggia, 03.06.2004.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_36413], Italy, Puglia, Prov. Foggia, Gargano Peninsula, Monte Sant’Angelo near the Church of Santa Maria di Pulsano, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach & L. Muggia, 03.06.2004.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_36413], Italy, Puglia, Prov. Foggia, Gargano Peninsula, Monte Sant’Angelo near the Church of Santa Maria di Pulsano, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach & L. Muggia, 03.06.2004.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_36413], Italy, Puglia, Prov. Foggia, Gargano Peninsula, Monte Sant’Angelo near the Church of Santa Maria di Pulsano, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach & L. Muggia, 03.06.2004.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_36413], Italy, Puglia, Prov. Foggia, Gargano Peninsula, Monte Sant’Angelo near the Church of Santa Maria di Pulsano, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach & L. Muggia, 03.06.2004.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_36413], Italy, Puglia, Prov. Foggia, Gargano Peninsula, Monte Sant’Angelo near the Church of Santa Maria di Pulsano, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach & L. Muggia, 03.06.2004.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_36413], Italy, Puglia, Prov. Foggia, Gargano Peninsula, Monte Sant’Angelo near the Church of Santa Maria di Pulsano, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach & L. Muggia, 03.06.2004.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_36413], Italy, Puglia, Prov. Foggia, Gargano Peninsula, Monte Sant’Angelo near the Church of Santa Maria di Pulsano, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach & L. Muggia, 03.06.2004.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_36413], Italy, Puglia, Prov. Foggia, Gargano Peninsula, Monte Sant’Angelo near the Church of Santa Maria di Pulsano, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach & L. Muggia, 03.06.2004.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_36413], Italy, Puglia, Prov. Foggia, Gargano Peninsula, Monte Sant’Angelo near the Church of Santa Maria di Pulsano, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach & L. Muggia, 03.06.2004.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_36413], Italy, Puglia, Prov. Foggia, Gargano Peninsula, Monte Sant’Angelo near the Church of Santa Maria di Pulsano, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach & L. Muggia, 03.06.2004.

Felix Schumm; Owner: CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_36413], Italy, Puglia, Prov. Foggia, Gargano Peninsula, Monte Sant’Angelo near the Church of Santa Maria di Pulsano, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach & L. Muggia, 03.06.2004