Rusavskia hafellneri (S.Y. Kondr. & Kärnefelt) S.Y. Kondr. & Kärnefelt

Ukrayins’kyi Bot. Zhurn., 60, 4: 434, 2003. Basionym: Xanthoria hafellneri S.Y. Kondr. & Kärnefelt - Ukrayins’kyi Bot. Zhurn., 60, 2: 123, 2003.
Distribution: N - TAA (Plantae Graec. Lich. 181, Kondratyuk & Kärnefelt 2003).
Description: Thallus foliose to subcrustose-placodioid, tightly attached, orange-red, orange-yellow or orange-brown, mm thick, forming (5-)10-25 mm wide rosettes, mostly in holes of the rock. Lobes visible only in a c. 1 mm wide peripheral zone, strongly convex, hollow inside, 1-1.5(-2) mm long and 0.8-1.5 mm wide, continuously corticate only at tips, the corticate parts wrinkled, warted or cracked, exposing the white medulla, the central parts of thallus completely dissolved into a dense schizioioid mass. Schizidia irregular in outline, (75-)100-125(-200) mm across, not dissolving into soredia, yellowish and much paler than the corticate parts of lobes. Upper cortex scleroplectenchymatous, 25-30 µm thick, with very narrow cell lumina, in upper part with paraplectenchymatous patches; lower cortex 15-17 µm thick, with larger paraplectenchymatous patches; algal layer discontinuous; lower surface erhizinate. Apothecia and pycnidia unknown. Photobiont chlorococcoid. Spot tests: thallus K+ dark red, C-, KC-, P-, UV+ intensely orange-red. Chemistry: thallus with unidentified anthraquinones.
Note: a very poorly known schizidiate taxon known only from the type collection at 3150 m, on a dolomitic boulder. Closely related to, and perhaps a synonym of R. sorediata.
Growth form: Foliose, narrow lobed
Substrata: rocks
Photobiont: green algae other than Trentepohlia
Reproductive strategy: mainly sexual
Poorly known taxon in need of further study

Commonnes-rarity: (info)

Alpine belt: very rare
Subalpine belt: very rare
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: absent
Submediterranean belt: absent
Padanian area: absent
Humid submediterranean belt: absent
Humid mediterranean belt: absent
Dry mediterranean belt: absent

pH of the substrata:


Solar irradiation:








Altitudinal distribution:


Predictive model

Patrik Frödén, Botanical all rights reserved Museum (LD), Lund University
Ostalpen, Südtiroler Dolomiten, Sella-Gruppe, Trentino, Italien: Gipfel des Piz Boé NW Arabba. [WGS 84: 46.50823, 11.82788]. Auf einem etwa 0,5 m hohen Dolomitblock, 3150 m.
. Leg. J. Hafellner Herb. H - Isotype of Xanthoria hafellneri S.Y.Kondr. & Kärnefelt – Plantae Graecense4s 181, as Xanthoria domogledensis Vězda

Courtesy: Patrik Frödén, Botanical Museum (LD), Lund University; Owner: Patrik Frödén, Botanical Museum (LD), Lund University, all rights reserved
Ostalpen, Südtiroler Dolomiten, Sella-Gruppe, Trentino, Italien: Gipfel des Piz Boé NW Arabba. [WGS 84: 46.50823, 11.82788]. Auf einem etwa 0,5 m hohen Dolomitblock, 3150 m. 1979/04/15 . Leg. J. Hafellner
Herb. H - Isotype of Xanthoria hafellneri S.Y.Kondr. & Kärnefelt – Plantae Graecense4s 181, as Xanthoria domogledensis Vězda

Courtesy: Patrik Frödén, Botanical Museum (LD), Lund University; Owner: Patrik Frödén, Botanical Museum (LD), Lund University, all rights reserved
Ostalpen, Südtiroler Dolomiten, Sella-Gruppe, Trentino, Italien: Gipfel des Piz Boé NW Arabba. [WGS 84: 46.50823, 11.82788]. Auf einem etwa 0,5 m hohen Dolomitblock, 3150 m. 1979/04/15 . Leg. J. Hafellner
Herb. H - Isotype of Xanthoria hafellneri S.Y.Kondr. & Kärnefelt – Plantae Graecense4s 181, as Xanthoria domogledensis Vězda

Courtesy: Patrik Frödén, Botanical Museum (LD), Lund University; Owner: Patrik Frödén, Botanical Museum (LD), Lund University, all rights reserved
Ostalpen, Südtiroler Dolomiten, Sella-Gruppe, Trentino, Italien: Gipfel des Piz Boé NW Arabba. [WGS 84: 46.50823, 11.82788]. Auf einem etwa 0,5 m hohen Dolomitblock, 3150 m. 1979/04/15 . Leg. J. Hafellner
Herb. LD - Holotype of Xanthoria hafellneri S.Y.Kondr. & Kärnefelt – Plantae Graecense4s 181, as Xanthoria domogledensis Vězda

Courtesy: Patrik Frödén, Botanical Museum (LD), Lund University; Owner: Patrik Frödén, Botanical Museum (LD), Lund University, all rights reserved
Ostalpen, Südtiroler Dolomiten, Sella-Gruppe, Trentino, Italien: Gipfel des Piz Boé NW Arabba. [WGS 84: 46.50823, 11.82788]. Auf einem etwa 0,5 m hohen Dolomitblock, 3150 m. 1979/04/15 . Leg. J. Hafellner
Herb. LD - Holotype of Xanthoria hafellneri S.Y.Kondr. & Kärnefelt – Plantae Graecense4s 181, as Xanthoria domogledensis Vězda

Courtesy: Patrik Frödén, Botanical Museum (LD), Lund University; Owner: Patrik Frödén, Botanical Museum (LD), Lund University, all rights reserved
Ostalpen, Südtiroler Dolomiten, Sella-Gruppe, Trentino, Italien: Gipfel des Piz Boé NW Arabba. [WGS 84: 46.50823, 11.82788]. Auf einem etwa 0,5 m hohen Dolomitblock, 3150 m. 1979/04/15 . Leg. J. Hafellner
Herb. LD - Holotype of Xanthoria hafellneri S.Y.Kondr. & Kärnefelt – Plantae Graecense4s 181, as Xanthoria domogledensis Vězda

Courtesy: Patrik Frödén, Botanical Museum (LD), Lund University; Owner: Patrik Frödén, Botanical Museum (LD), Lund University, all rights reserved
Ostalpen, Südtiroler Dolomiten, Sella-Gruppe, Trentino, Italien: Gipfel des Piz Boé NW Arabba. [WGS 84: 46.50823, 11.82788]. Auf einem etwa 0,5 m hohen Dolomitblock, 3150 m. 1979/04/15 . Leg. J. Hafellner
Herb. LD - Holotype of Xanthoria hafellneri S.Y.Kondr. & Kärnefelt – Plantae Graecense4s 181, as Xanthoria domogledensis Vězda

Courtesy: Patrik Frödén, Botanical Museum (LD), Lund University; ; Owner: Patrik Frödén, Botanical Museum (LD), Lund University, all rights reserved
TOstalpen, Südtiroler Dolomiten, Sella-Gruppe, Trentino, Italien: Gipfel des Piz Boé NW Arabba. [WGS 84: 46.50823, 11.82788]. Auf einem etwa 0,5 m hohen Dolomitblock, 3150 m. 1979/04/15 . Leg. J. Hafellner Herb. LD - Holotype of Xanthoria hafellneri S.Y.Kondr. & Kärnefelt – Plantae Graecense4s 181, as Xanthoria domogledensis Vězda

Courtesy: Patrik Frödén, Botanical Museum (LD), Lund University; Owner: Patrik Frödén, Botanical Museum (LD), Lund University, all rights reserved
Ostalpen, Südtiroler Dolomiten, Sella-Gruppe, Trentino, Italien: Gipfel des Piz Boé NW Arabba. [WGS 84: 46.50823, 11.82788]. Auf einem etwa 0,5 m hohen Dolomitblock, 3150 m. 1979/04/15 . Leg. J. Hafellner
Herb. H - Isotype of Xanthoria hafellneri S.Y.Kondr. & Kärnefelt – Plantae Graecense4s 181, as Xanthoria domogledensis Vězda