Staurothele immersa (A. Massal.) Dalla Torre & Sarnth.

Die Flechten von Tirol: 553, 1902. Basionym: Porphyriospora immersa Bagl. ex A. Massal. - Symmicta Lich.: 102, 1855.
Distribution: N - TAA,Emil (Fariselli & al. 2020), Lig (Lazzarin 2000b, Watson 2014, Giordani & al. 2016). C - Marc (Nimis & Tretiach 1999), Umb (Genovesi & Ravera 2001, Ravera & al. 2006), Mol (Nimis & Tretiach 1999, Caporale & al. 2008), Sar. S - Camp (Nimis & Tretiach 2004, Garofalo & al. 2010), Pugl (Nimis & Tretiach 1999).
Description: Thallus crustose, endosubstratic, grey to grey-brown, sometimes poorly evident. Perithecia black, 0.4-0.6 mm across, immersed in pits in the rock, without involucrellum. Exciple dark throughout; hymenial gel I+ red (I+ blue at very low concentrations of iodine), K/I+ blue; hymenial algae almost isodiametrical, 3-4 μm wide; hamathecium of periphyses and periphysoids, interascal filaments absent. Asci 4–8-spored, clavate, the wall thickened above, with an ocular chamber, after dehiscence with a delicate extruded endotunica, I-, K/I-. Ascospores muriform, hyaline, finally sometimes light pink-brown coloured, ellipsoid, (18-)25-60 x (11-)14-25 μm. Pycnidia black, immersed in the thallus. Conidia rod-shaped. Photobiont chlorococcoid, present in both thallus and hymenium. Spot tests: K-, C-, KC-, P-, UV-. Chemistry: without lichen substances.
Note: on limestone and dolomite, usually on steeply inclined surfaces; this is one of the few species of the genus with optimum below the montane belt.
Growth form: Crustose endolithic
Substrata: rocks
Photobiont: green algae other than Trentepohlia
Reproductive strategy: mainly sexual

Commonnes-rarity: (info)

Alpine belt: absent
Subalpine belt: absent
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: absent
Submediterranean belt: very rare
Padanian area: absent
Humid submediterranean belt: rather rare
Humid mediterranean belt: rare
Dry mediterranean belt: absent

pH of the substrata:


Solar irradiation:








Altitudinal distribution:


Predictive model
Herbarium samples

P.L. Nimis CC BY-SA 4.0
TSB 22268

P.L. Nimis; Owner: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
Herbarium: TSB (22268)

Zschacke, H. (1934) Epigloeaceae, Verrucariaceae und Dermatocarpaceae. In: Dr. L. Rabenhorst‘s Kryptogamen-Flora, Band 9, Abt. 1, Teil 1. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig, 695 pp. - Public Domain

Courtesy Danièle et Olivier Gonnet - Source:
France, 25/5/2015 - session AFL dans le Lot - Moulin du Saut, Gramat

Courtesy Danièle et Olivier Gonnet - Source:
France, 25/5/2015 - session AFL dans le Lot - Moulin du Saut, Gramat

Courtesy Danièle et Olivier Gonnet - Source:
France, 25/5/2015 - session AFL dans le Lot - Moulin du Saut, Gramat

Courtesy Danièle et Olivier Gonnet - Source:
France, 25/5/2015 - session AFL dans le Lot - Moulin du Saut, Gramat

Marta Gonzalez Garcia
Spain, Pen (Amieva-Asturias), 1-XI-2022, en rocas calcáreas.

Marta Gonzalez Garcia
Spain, Pen (Amieva-Asturias), 1-XI-2022, en rocas calcáreas.

Marta Gonzalez Garcia
Spain, Pen (Amieva-Asturias), 1-XI-2022, en rocas calcáreas.

Marta Gonzalez Garcia
Spain, Pen (Amieva-Asturias), 1-XI-2022, en rocas calcáreas.

Marta Gonzalez Garcia
Spain, Pen (Amieva-Asturias), 1-XI-2022, en rocas calcáreas.

Marta Gonzalez Garcia
Spain, Pen (Amieva-Asturias), 1-XI-2022, en rocas calcáreas.

Marta Gonzalez Garcia
Spain, Pen (Amieva-Asturias), 1-XI-2022, en rocas calcáreas.