Thalloidima collematicola (Timdal) Timdal

in Kistenich & al., Taxon, 67: 896 ,2018.. Basionym: Toninia collematicola Timdal - Opera Bot., 110: 57, 1991.
Distribution: N - Frl (Brackel 2016), Lomb (Brackel 2016).
Description: Thallus not evident, not lichenized, the hyphae developing inside the thalli of Callome multipartita. Apothecia lecideine, black but often bluish-pruinose, up to 0.7 mm across, with a flat to convex disc and a distinct, raised, finally often excluded proper margin. Proper exciple dark grey in outer part, pale grey to colourless within, the pigmented parts K+ and N+ violet, without crystals; epithecium grey, K+ and N+ violet; hymenium colourless, 50-60 μm high, with crystals of calcium oxalates; paraphyses simple or sparingly branched and anastomosing in upper part, thin-walled, the apical cell distinctly swollen and covered by a gelatinous pigment cap; hypothecium colourless to pale brown. Asci 8-spored, clavate to cylindrical-clavate, the apical dome K/I+ dark blue with a pale, conical-pointed apical cushion (axial mass), the wall I-, but the thin outer gel I+ blue, Bacidia-type. Ascospores 3(-5)-septate, hyaline, bacilliform to acicular, 26-40 x 3-4.5 μm. Photobiont absent. Spot tests: all negative, except the pigmented parts of apothecia reacting K+ and N+ violet. Chemistry: without lichen substances; apothecia with the Sedifolia-grey pigment.
Note: an obligately lichenicolous fungus described from the Italian Alps, growing on Callome multipartita, on limestone, in exposed, south-facing rock surfaces.
Growth form: Lichenicolous fungus
Substrata: rocks
Reproductive strategy: mainly sexual
paras Callome multipartita

Commonnes-rarity: (info)

Alpine belt: absent
Subalpine belt: absent
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: very rare
Submediterranean belt: very rare
Padanian area: absent
Humid submediterranean belt: absent
Humid mediterranean belt: absent
Dry mediterranean belt: absent

pH of the substrata:


Solar irradiation:








Altitudinal distribution:


Predictive model

Einar Timdal CC BY-NC

Einar Timdal - Source: - CC BY-NC