Umbilicaria leiocarpa DC.

in Lamarck & de Candolle, Fl. Franç, éd. 3, 2: 410, 1805.
Synonyms: Agyrophora leiocarpa (DC.) Gyeln.; Agyrophora lyngei (Schol.) Llano; Gyrophora leiocarpa (DC.) Steud.; Umbilicaria atropruinosa Schaer.
Distribution: N - TAA, Lomb, Piem (Isocrono & al. 2004), VA (Borlandelli & al. 1996, Piervittori & Isocrono 1997, 1999).
Description: Thallus foliose-umbilicate, dorsiventral, thick, rigid, monophyllous but usually deeply dissected and often appearing polyphyllous, orbicular in outline, up to 10(-15) cm diam., the margins up-turned, fragile, with irregular to ovoid perforations. Upper surface yellowish grey to dirty white, dull, rimose, minutely areolate around center, with irregular, sharp, up to 1 cm high and 1.0-1.5 mm tall ridges around the umbilicus, the peripheral parts with a yellowish white reticulate pattern due to small patches of cortex separated by darker cracks, the marginal zone darker, greyish brown. Lower surface smooth, slightly undulating, black, except a grey-brown 2-3 mm wide marginal zone, erhizinate. Thalloconidia simple or rarely 1-septate, globose, dark brown, 4-6 x 5-8 µm, sometimes covering the whole surface, but usually absent in a brownish, 2-4 mm wide peripheral zone. Upper and lower cortex scleroplectenchymatous; medulla white. Apothecia rare, leiodisc, black, stipitate, to 1 mm across, with a scabrous disc. Ascospores often not well-developed. Pycnidia mainly marginal on upper surface, immersed, bottle-shaped, with dark brown wall and ostiole. Conidia bacilliform 2.5-4.7 x 1-2 µm. Photobiont chlorococcoid. Spot tests: K-, C- or C+ red, KC- or KC+ red, P-. Chemistry: both norstictic acid and small amounts of gyrophoric and lecanoric acids were reported for this species.
Note: a mainly arctic-alpine, probably circumpolar lichen found on steeply inclined to vertical, wind- and sun-exposed surfaces of large siliceous boulders wetted by rain with a short snow-lie period, with optimum above treeline; probably restricted to the Alps in Italy.
Growth form: Foliose, umbilicate
Substrata: rocks
Photobiont: green algae other than Trentepohlia
Reproductive strategy: mainly asexual, by conidia and thalloconidia

Commonnes-rarity: (info)

Alpine belt: rather rare
Subalpine belt: very rare
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: absent
Submediterranean belt: absent
Padanian area: absent
Humid submediterranean belt: absent
Humid mediterranean belt: absent
Dry mediterranean belt: absent

pH of the substrata:


Solar irradiation:








Altitudinal distribution:


Predictive model
Herbarium samples

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[19024], Deutschland, Niedersachsen, Nationalpark Harz, Gebirgskamm 'Auf dem Acker', Kanapeeklippe, auf Quarzit, ca,. 750 m. MTB 4228/3. Leg. Hans Ullrich 12.06.1960. Dubl. aus NP Harz Nr. 2146

P.L. Nimis; Owner: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
Herbarium: TSB (11671)
detail of upper surface

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[4902], Schweiz, Wallis, bei Champex (westl. Orsiéres), am Weg von La Breya (Grands Plans) zum Glacier d'Orny, auf Granit/Gneis,ca 2200-2700 m. Leg. F. Schumm 23.08.1996 (SVBL-Exkursion). Mark C-.

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[4902], Schweiz, Wallis, bei Champex (westl. Orsiéres), am Weg von La Breya (Grands Plans) zum Glacier d'Orny, auf Granit/Gneis,ca 2200-2700 m. Leg. F. Schumm 23.08.1996 (SVBL-Exkursion). Mark C-.

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[4902], Schweiz, Wallis, bei Champex (westl. Orsiéres), am Weg von La Breya (Grands Plans) zum Glacier d'Orny, auf Granit/Gneis,ca 2200-2700 m. Leg. F. Schumm 23.08.1996 (SVBL-Exkursion). Mark C-.

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[4902], Schweiz, Wallis, bei Champex (westl. Orsiéres), am Weg von La Breya (Grands Plans) zum Glacier d'Orny, auf Granit/Gneis,ca 2200-2700 m. Leg. F. Schumm 23.08.1996 (SVBL-Exkursion). Mark C-.

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[19024], Deutschland, Niedersachsen, Nationalpark Harz, Gebirgskamm 'Auf dem Acker', Kanapeeklippe, auf Quarzit, ca,. 750 m. MTB 4228/3. Leg. Hans Ullrich 12.06.1960. Dubl. aus NP Harz Nr. 2146

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[19024], Deutschland, Niedersachsen, Nationalpark Harz, Gebirgskamm 'Auf dem Acker', Kanapeeklippe, auf Quarzit, ca,. 750 m. MTB 4228/3. Leg. Hans Ullrich 12.06.1960. Dubl. aus NP Harz Nr. 2146

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[19024], Deutschland, Niedersachsen, Nationalpark Harz, Gebirgskamm 'Auf dem Acker', Kanapeeklippe, auf Quarzit, ca,. 750 m. MTB 4228/3. Leg. Hans Ullrich 12.06.1960. Dubl. aus NP Harz Nr. 2146

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[19024], Deutschland, Niedersachsen, Nationalpark Harz, Gebirgskamm 'Auf dem Acker', Kanapeeklippe, auf Quarzit, ca,. 750 m. MTB 4228/3. Leg. Hans Ullrich 12.06.1960. Dubl. aus NP Harz Nr. 2146

Frey E. 1933. Cladoniaceae (unter Ausschluß ded Gattung Cladonia) und Umbilicariaceae. In: Rabenhrst’s Kryptogamenflora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. 15: 1-208.

P.L. Nimis CC BY-SA 04
TSB 40994

P.L. Nimis CC BY-SA 04
TSB 40994

P.L. Nimis CC BY-SA 04
TSB 40994

P.L. Nimis CC BY-SA 04
TSB 40994