Tingiopsidium sonomense (Tuck.) Hafellner & T. Sprib.

Fritschiana, 83: 49, 2016. Basionym: Pannaria sonomensis Tuck. - Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci., 12, n.ser. 4: 169, 1877.
Synonyms: Koerberia lusitanica Samp.; Koerberia sonomensis (Tuck.) Henssen; Tingiopsidium pubescens Werner; Vestergrenopsis sonomensis (Tuck.) T. Sprib. & Muggia
Distribution: C - Tosc (Tretiach 2015g), Laz, Sar.
Description: Thallus small-foliose, dark olive-green to olive-brown, forming 0.5-1 cm wide rosettes with elongate lobes. Lobes up to 2 mm long, c. 0.1-0.3 (-1) mm wide, stellately radiating, sometimes striate; lower surface pale olive, with tufts of pale rhizines. Apothecia deep red-brown, flat or slightly convex, 0.4-0.6 mm across. Pseudoexciple more or less pseudoparenchymatous, 60-160 µm wide; epithecium brown; hymenium colourless, 55-100 µm high; paraphyses septate, simple or sparingly branched, the apical cells swollen, moniliform; subhymenium colourless and partly pseudoparenchymatous, 70-160 µm thick. Asci 8-spored, lacking internal amyloid structures, 9-11.5 x 35-66 µm, with biseriately arranged spores. Ascospores 1-celled to 1-septate, hyaline, narrowly ellipsoid to fusiform, 10-17(-36) x (1.5-)3.5-4.5 µm. Pycnidia laminal, subglobose, c. 0.2 µm in diam., with a brown ostiole. Conidia simple, hyaline, bacilliform, 3-6 x 1 µm. Photobiont cyanobacterial (Scytonema-like). Spot tests: thallus K-, C-, KC-, P-, UV-. Chemistry: thallus without lichen substances.
Note: a manly Mediterranean species, also known from California, found on sun-exposed surfaces of siliceous rocks with frequent water seepage after rain in periodically humid areas.
Growth form: Foliose, narrow lobed
Substrata: rocks
Photobiont: cyanobacteria, filamentous (e.g. Nostoc, Scytonema)
Reproductive strategy: mainly sexual
Most common in areas with a humid-warm climate (e.g. most of Tyrrenian Italy)
Taxon bound to maritime-coastal situations

Commonnes-rarity: (info)

Alpine belt: absent
Subalpine belt: absent
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: absent
Submediterranean belt: absent
Padanian area: absent
Humid submediterranean belt: absent
Humid mediterranean belt: extremely rare
Dry mediterranean belt: absent

pH of the substrata:


Solar irradiation:








Altitudinal distribution:


Predictive model
Herbarium samples

Curtis Randall Björk CC BY-SA 4.0
Washington State, Okanagan County, east of Tonasket Date: 2009-08-05 On granitic cliff in ravine

P.L. Nimis; Owner: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
Herbarium: TSB (31334)

Curtis Randall Björk – CC BY-SA 4.0
Montana, Sanders County, Clark Fork Canyon Date: 2012-05-03 On seepy cliff in humid forest

Curtis Randall Björk – CC BY-SA 4.0
Washington State, Okanagan County, east of Tonasket Date: 2009-08-05 On granitic cliff in ravine