Rinodina atrocinerea (Hook.) Körb.

Syst. Lich. Germ.: 125, 1855. Basionym: Lecidea atrocinerea Sm. ex Hook. in Smith & Sowerby. Engl. Fl. - 5, 1: 174, 1833.
Synonyms: Helmutiopsis atrocinerea (Fr.) S.Y. Kondr., Lőkös & Hur; Lecanora atrocinerea (Fr.) Link; Lecanora plumbella Nyl.; Rinodina aspersa subsp. atrocinerea (Hook.) Cl. Roux; Rinodina confragosa var. atrocinerea (Hook.) Stein; Rinodina plumbella (Nyl.) H. Olivier
Distribution: N - Ven (Nascimbene & Marini 2007), Lomb, Piem, Emil (Fariselli & al. 2020), Lig. C - Tosc, Sar (Neuwirth 2018). S - Camp (Aprile & al. 2002), Si (Ottonello & Romano 1997, Grillo 1998, Grillo & Caniglia 2004, Ottonello & al. 2011).
Description: Thallus crustose, episubstratic, rather thin, areolate, often delimited by a conspicuous, black, fimbriate prothallus, the areoles dispersed to rarely contiguous, rounded or rarely angular, 0.5-1.5(-2) mm across, flat to slightly convex, whitish, grey or pale bluish-grey. Medulla usually white, but sometimes yellow to reddish brown and often K+ red and C+ red in lower part, I- throughout. Apothecia lecanorine, 0.2-0.8(-1) mm across, at first immersed, then adnate, with a flat to slightly convex, dark brown to brown-black disc, and a thin, smooth and persistent thalline margin. Epithecium brown, inspersed with small crystals reacting C+red; hymenium colourless, 75-120(-140) µm high; hypothecium colourless. Asci 8-spored, cylindrical-clavate, the K/I+ blue tholus penetrated by a faintly amyloid apical cushion with parallel or diverging flanks, the wall K/I-, surrounded by a K/I+ blue outer layer, Lecanora-type. Ascospores 1- septate, brown, broadly ovoid with rounded ends, (13-)16-19(-22) x (8-)9-12(-14) µm, Pachysporaria-type, with uniformly very thick walls and rounded lumina often showing protrusions towards the spore-ends, the wall faintly warted, with a well-developed torus, the ontogeny of type A (apical wall thickening after septum formation). Pycnidia frequent. Conidia bacilliform 4-6 x 0.5-0.8 µm. Photobiont: chlorococcoid. Spot tests: thallus K+ yellow, C+ faintly red, KC+ faintly red, P+ faintly yellow, UV-; lower part of medulla sometimes (when pigmented) K+ and C+ purple-red. Chemistry: atranorin, chloroatranorin, gyrophoric, ovoic, umbilicaric and 5-0-methylhiascic acids; medulla sometimes with an unknown pigment.
Note: on steeply inclined to vertical surfaces of hard siliceous rocks below the subalpine belt.
Growth form: Crustose
Substrata: rocks
Photobiont: green algae other than Trentepohlia
Reproductive strategy: mainly sexual
Most common in areas with a humid-warm climate (e.g. most of Tyrrenian Italy)

Commonnes-rarity: (info)

Alpine belt: absent
Subalpine belt: absent
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: very rare
Submediterranean belt: rare
Padanian area: absent
Humid submediterranean belt: rather rare
Humid mediterranean belt: very rare
Dry mediterranean belt: absent

pH of the substrata:


Solar irradiation:








Altitudinal distribution:


Predictive model
Herbarium samples

P.L. Nimis CC BY-SA 4.0
TSB 28112

Andres Saag; Owner: University of Tartu

P.L. Nimis; Owner: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
Herbarium: TSB (28112)

Courtesy Danièle et Olivier Gonnet - Source: 14/3/2014 - Île de Cavallo, Plage Cala di u Ghiuncu, alt. 1 m - Corse
France, 14/3/2014 - Île de Cavallo, Plage Cala di u Ghiuncu, alt. 1 m - Corse

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=926&lang=en
France, Plomodiern

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=926&lang=en
France, Plomodiern

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=926&lang=en
France, Plomodiern

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=926&lang=en
France, Plomodiern

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=926&lang=en
France, Plomodiern

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=926&lang=en
France, Plomodiern

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=926&lang=en
France, Plomodiern

Michel David - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=926&lang=en
France, Plomodiern

Michel David - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=926&lang=en
France, Plomodiern

Michel David - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=926&lang=en
France, Plomodiern

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=926&lang=en
France, Teigruc sur mer

Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=926&lang=en
France, Plomodiern

Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=926&lang=en
France, Plomodiern

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=926&lang=en
France, Telgruc sur mer

Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=926&lang=en
France, Plomodiern

Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=926&lang=en
France, Plomodiern

Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=926&lang=en
France, Plomodiern

Bernard Bouffiinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=165&lang=en
France, Ouessant

Bernard Bouffiinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=165&lang=en
France, Ouessant

Bernard Bouffiinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=165&lang=en
France, Ouessant

Bernard Bouffiinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=165&lang=en
France, Ouessant

Bernard Bouffiinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=165&lang=en
France, Cap de la Chèvre

Bernard Bouffiinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=165&lang=en
France, Cap de la Chèvre

Bernard Bouffiinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=165&lang=en
France, Cap de la Chèvre

Bernard Bouffiinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=165&lang=en
France, Cap de la Chèvre