L. Francesconi, M. Conti, G. Gheza, S. Martellos, P.L. Nimis, C. Vallese, J. Nascimbene

Dolichens, the information system of the lichen biota of the Dolomites, aims at providing open access to the Dolichens project data. Launched in 2022 by the Research Unit of Professor Nascimbene (University of Bologna), the Dolichens project aims to assemble an inventory of the lichens reported from the Dolomites since the 19th century. The information system Dolichens has been published online on 30th July 2023 and is maintained and updated by the Research Units of Professor Nascimbene and Professor Pier Luigi Nimis (University of Trieste).

Currently, more than 76581 records referable to 2076 taxa have been retrieved and aggregated from herbaria, literature, unpublished data, and new sampling campaigns. The nomenclature of the taxa follows ITALIC 7.0, the information system on Italian lichens. Records have been georeferenced and can be visualized on an interactive map on each taxon page. Besides taxonomic and floristic queries, already available in ITALIC 7.0, a new advanced searching interface is available: in addition to several ecological and biological filters, data can also be retrieved directly from a dynamic map and multiple geographical filters. The output data are downloadable in Darwin Core format. At the moment, this should be considered as a in progress data repository rather than a proper checklist that will be compiled in a further step of the Dolichens project.