Rinodina luridescens (Anzi) Arnold
Flora, 55: 39, 1872. Basionym: Buellia luridescens Anzi - Comm. Soc. Critt. Ital., 1, 3: 158, 1862.
Synonyms: Buellia coniopta (Nyl.) Malme; Buellia sciodes (Nyl.) Boistel; Buellia steineri Servít; Lecanora coniopta Nyl.; Lecanora sciodes Nyl.; Lecidea coniopta (Nyl.) Wedd.; Rinodina coniopta (Nyl.) Hav.; Rinodina luridescens var. bithynica J. Steiner; Rinodina sciodes
Distribution: N - Lig (Nascimbene & al. 2021). C - Tosc, Sar (Monte 1993, Nöske 2000, Rizzi & al. 2011). S - Bas, Cal (Puntillo 1996), Si.
Description: Thallus crustose, episubstratic, 0.5-1 mm thick, dark grey-brown with a faint violet tinge, continuous to rimose-areolate, forming up to 12 cm wide patches or mosaics, often delimited by a dark hypothalline line, the areoles 1.2-2.7 mm wide. Apothecia cryptolecanorine to lecideine, subinnate, 0.5-1.5 mm across, with a flat to slightly convex, black disc, a thin, entire, very soon excluded thalline margin, and a persistent, prominent proper margin. Proper exciple dark brown in outer part, paler brown within, 45-90 μm wide laterally; epithecium brown, C+ fleeting pink; hymenium colourless, 75-120 μm high; paraphyses 1-1.7 μm thick at mid-level, the apical cells 3.5-5 μm wide, with a brown cap; hypothecium pale brown, 70-155 μm high. Asci 8-spored, clavate, the K/I+ blue tholus penetrated by a faintly amyloid apical cushion with parallel or diverging flanks, the wall K/I-, surrounded by a K/I+ blue outer layer, Lecanora-type. Ascospores 1-septate, brown, broadly ellipsoid, 15-23 x 7.5-13 µm, Milvina-type, tending towards the Physcia-type. Photobiont chlorococcoid. Spot tests: thallus K-, C+ pink, KC+ pink, P- (reactions best visible on a thick section under the microscope). Chemistry: gyrophoric acid, zeorin. Note: a Mediterranean-Atlantic lichen described from Tuscany, found on hard siliceous rocks subject to frequent humid winds, often near the coast; not uncommon in some parts of Mediterranean Italy, e.g. in Sardinia, on nuraghes.
Growth form: Crustose
Substrata: rocks
Photobiont: green algae other than Trentepohlia
Reproductive strategy: mainly sexual
Most common in areas with a humid-warm climate (e.g. most of Tyrrenian Italy)
Commonnes-rarity: (info)
Alpine belt: absent
Subalpine belt: absent
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: absent
Submediterranean belt: absent
Padanian area: absent
Humid submediterranean belt: very rare
Humid mediterranean belt: rather rare
Dry mediterranean belt: absent
Predictive model
Herbarium samples
P.L. Nimis; Owner: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
Herbarium: TSB (9416)
Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=52&lang=en
France, Roscanvel
Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=52&lang=en
France, Roscanvel
Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=52&lang=en
France, Roscanvel
Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=52&lang=en
France, Pointe de Pen-Hir
Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=52&lang=en
France, Pointe de Pen-Hir
Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=52&lang=en
France, Pointe de Pen-Hir
Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=52&lang=en
France, Pointe de Pen-Hir
Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=52&lang=en
France, Pointe de Pen-Hir
Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=52&lang=en
France, Pointe de Pen-Hir
Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=52&lang=en
France, Pointe de Pen-Hir
Growth form: Crustose
Substrata: rocks
Photobiont: green algae other than Trentepohlia
Reproductive strategy: mainly sexual
Most common in areas with a humid-warm climate (e.g. most of Tyrrenian Italy)
Commonnes-rarity: (info)
Alpine belt: absent
Subalpine belt: absent
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: absent
Submediterranean belt: absent
Padanian area: absent
Humid submediterranean belt: very rare
Humid mediterranean belt: rather rare
Dry mediterranean belt: absent
Predictive model
Herbarium samples |