Sarcogyne platycarpoides Anzi
Comm. Soc. Crittogamol. Ital., 2, 1: 19, 1861.
Synonyms: Acarospora cervina f. pruinosa Kremp.; Acarospora glaucocarpa f. melaniza (Nyl.) H.Magn.; Acarospora glaucocarpa f. pruinosa (Kremp.) Arnold; Biatorella platycarpoides (Anzi) Th. Fr.; Lecanora glaucocarpa var. melaniza Nyl. ex Norrlin; Sarcogyne melaniza (Nyl.) K.Knudsen, Kocourk. & Hodková; Sarcogyne platycarpoides var. flexuosa Bagl. & Carestia?; Sarcogyne pruinosa f. macroloma Flörke ex Körb.; Sarcogyne pruinosa var. macroloma (Flörke) H.Magn.; Sarcogyne pruinosa var. platycarpoides (Anzi) H. Magn.; Sarcogyne regularis var. platycarpoides (Anzi) N.S. Golubk.
Distribution: N - Ven (Nimis 1994, Knudsen & al. 2023), Lomb, Piem (Isocrono & al. 2004, Knudsen & al. 2023), Emil (Tretiach & al. 2008, Fariselli & al. 2020).
Description: Thallus crustose, endosubstratic and poorly evident. Apothecia lecideine, slightly immersed to subsessile, 1-2.5 mm across, mostly 0.2-0.4 mm high, broadly attached when small, eventually forming a narrow mycelial base, with a brown-red to black (dark brown-red when moist), epruinose or blue-pruinose, flat to slightly convex disc, and a thin, soon excluded proper margin. Proper exciple 90-150 μm wide, of c. 1 µm wide, radiating hyphae with swollen and dark brown tips, pale brown to colourless within, the darker rim 60-100 μm wide, not clearly delimited from the paler medullary part; epithecium reddish brown, up to 10 µm high; hymenium colourless, (100-)140-150 µm high, the hymenial gel euamyloid, IKI+ persistently dark blue; paraphyses c. 2 µm thick at mid-level, coherent, simple to sparingly branched, regularly septate, not capitate; subhymenium 40-60 μm high, IKI+ dark blue; hypothecium up to 60 μm high, inspersed with substrate crystals, continuous with attaching hyphae. Asci 100-200-spored, cylindrical-clavate, strongly thickened at apex, the apical dome K/I-, the outer coat K/I+ blue, 100-120 x 10-20 μm, Ascospores 1-celled, hyaline, narrowly ellipsoid, 3-5 x 1-1.5(-2) µm. Photobiont chlorococcoid. Spot tests: thallus K-, C-, KC-, P-, UV-. Chemistry: without lichen substances.Note: a widespread species, known from (Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Norway, western Russia near Finland, and Switzerland, most common on dolomitic pebbles above treeline, probably more widespread in the Alps. The record from Umbria by Panfili (2007), being dubious, is not accepted here.
Growth form: Crustose
Substrata: rocks
Photobiont: green algae other than Trentepohlia
Reproductive strategy: mainly sexual
Commonnes-rarity: (info)
Alpine belt: very rare
Subalpine belt: extremely rare
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: absent
Submediterranean belt: absent
Padanian area: absent
Humid submediterranean belt: absent
Humid mediterranean belt: absent
Dry mediterranean belt: absent
Predictive model
Herbarium samples
P.L. Nimis; Owner: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
Herbarium: TSB (34786)
this specimen corresponds to ''v. macroloma'' with thick apothecial margin
Sergio Enrico Favero-Longo, Deborah Isocrono & Enrica Matteucci
Lectotype: ANZI Lich. Longob. 67 – Herb. TO
Sergio Enrico Favero-Longo, Deborah Isocrono & Enrica Matteucci
Lectotype: ANZI Lich. Longob. 67 – Herb. TO
Sergio Enrico Favero-Longo, Deborah Isocrono & Enrica Matteucci
Lectotype: ANZI Lich. Longob. 67 – Herb. TO
Sergio Enrico Favero-Longo, Deborah Isocrono & Enrica Matteucci
Lectotype: ANZI Lich. Longob. 67 – Herb. TO
Sergio Enrico Favero-Longo, Deborah Isocrono & Enrica Matteucci
Lectotype: ANZI Lich. Longob. 67 – Herb. TO
Sergio Enrico Favero-Longo, Deborah Isocrono & Enrica Matteucci
Lectotype: ANZI Lich. Longob. 67 – Herb. TO
Sergio Enrico Favero-Longo, Deborah Isocrono & Enrica Matteucci
Lectotype: ANZI Lich. Longob. 67 – Herb. TO
Sergio Enrico Favero-Longo, Deborah Isocrono & Enrica Matteucci
Lectotype: ANZI Lich. Longob. 67 – Herb. TO
Sergio Enrico Favero-Longo, Deborah Isocrono & Enrica Matteucci
Lectotype: ANZI Lich. Longob. 67 – Herb. TO
Sergio Enrico Favero-Longo, Deborah Isocrono & Enrica Matteucci
Lectotype: ANZI Lich. Longob. 67 – Herb. TO
Sergio Enrico Favero-Longo, Deborah Isocrono & Enrica Matteucci
Lectotype: ANZI Lich. Longob. 67 – Herb. TO
Sergio Enrico Favero-Longo, Deborah Isocrono & Enrica Matteucci
Lectotype: ANZI Lich. Longob. 67 – Herb. TO
Sergio Enrico Favero-Longo, Deborah Isocrono & Enrica Matteucci
Lectotype: ANZI Lich. Longob. 67 – Herb. TO
P.L. Nimis; Owner: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
Herbarium: TSB (34786)
this specimen corresponds to ''v. macroloma'' with thick apothecial margin
Sergio Enrico Favero-Longo, Deborah Isocrono & Enrica Matteucci
Lectotype: ANZI Lich. Longob. 67 – Herb. TO
Courtesy Danièle et Olivier Gonnet - Source:
France, 26/8/2017 - Thoiry, 1315 m - Ain
Growth form: Crustose
Substrata: rocks
Photobiont: green algae other than Trentepohlia
Reproductive strategy: mainly sexual
Commonnes-rarity: (info)
Alpine belt: very rare
Subalpine belt: extremely rare
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: absent
Submediterranean belt: absent
Padanian area: absent
Humid submediterranean belt: absent
Humid mediterranean belt: absent
Dry mediterranean belt: absent
Predictive model
Herbarium samples |