Topelia heterospora (Zahlbr.) P.M. Jørg. & Vězda

Beih. Nova Hedwigia, 79: 505, 1984. Basionym: Clathroporina heterospora Zahlbr. - Österr. bot. Z., 49: 247, 1899.
Distribution: S - Si (Nimis & al. 1994, Caniglia & Grillo 2005, 2006).
Description: Thallus crustose, episubstratic, pinkish white (turning white in the herbarium), forming an up to 2 mm thick powdery crust. Perithecia globose, 0.2-0.4 mm across, mostly immersed in the thallus or protruding with the blackened upper part. Exciple black and carbonized at least in upper part; hymenium colourless, I+ blue-green rapidly turning reddish-brown; paraphyses simple, free, flexuose, not anastomosing, not apically thickened; periphyses short-celled, stiff, more abundant near the ostiole. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, narrowly cylindrical, tapering apically, without apical thickening or apparatus, with uniseriately arranged spores. Ascospores submuriform, with less than 10 cells in optical view, hyaline, broadly ellipsoid, (13-)15-18(-20) x 8-10 µm, with a distinct gelatinous perispore. Pycnidia black, punctiform, with simple conidiophores. Conidia cylindrical, straight, 3-4 x 0.5-0.7 µm. Photobiont trentepohlioid. Spot tests: K-, C-, KC-, P-, UV-. Chemistry: without lichen substances.
Note: a humid subtropical to Mediterranean-Atlantic lichen found on hard, compact calcareous rocks in sheltered situations.
Growth form: Crustose
Substrata: rocks
Photobiont: Trentepohlia
Reproductive strategy: mainly sexual
Most common in areas with a humid-warm climate (e.g. most of Tyrrenian Italy)

Commonnes-rarity: (info)

Alpine belt: absent
Subalpine belt: absent
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: absent
Submediterranean belt: absent
Padanian area: absent
Humid submediterranean belt: absent
Humid mediterranean belt: extremely rare
Dry mediterranean belt: absent

pH of the substrata:


Solar irradiation:








Altitudinal distribution:


Predictive model

Harrie Sipman - Sipman 54076pp); picture length = 7 mm; Owner: Source:

Source: Keissler K. von 1938. Pyrenulaceae, Mycoporaceae, Coniocarpineae. In: Rabenhorst G L: Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. 2nd, IX, Die Flechten, Abt. 1, 2. Gebr. Borntraeger, Leipzig, pp. 1-846.