Usnea intermedia (A. Massal.) Jatta

Fl. Italica Crypt., 3: 145, 1909. Basionym: Usnea barbata var. intermedia A. Massal. - Sched. Crit., 3: 62, 1856.
Synonyms: Usnea balcanica Bystrek; Usnea carpatica Motyka; Usnea faginea Motyka; Usnea florida subsp. floridula Motyka; Usnea glauca Motyka; Usnea glauca var. pseudoflorida (Motyka) Motyka; Usnea hapalotera (Harm.) Motyka; Usnea harmandii Motyka; Usnea leiopoga Motyka; Usnea montana Motyka; Usnea neglecta Motyka; Usnea protea Motyka; Usnea quasirigida Lendemer & I.I. Tav.; Usnea rigida Motyka non Vain.; Usnea smaragdina Motyka
Distribution: N - Frl, Ven (Caniglia & al. 1999, Lazzarin 2000b, Brackel 2013), TAA (Nascimbene & Caniglia 2002c, Nascimbene 2003, 2014, Nascimbene & al. 2007b, Nascimbene & Marini 2015, Trindade & al. 2021), Lomb (Alessio & al. 1995, Gheza 2019), Piem (Morisi & Sereno 1995, Isocrono & al. 2004, Morisi 2005), VA (Borlandelli & al. 1996, Piervittori & Isocrono 1997, 1999, Matteucci & al. 2008c), Lig (Ravera & al. 2022b). C - Abr. S - Cal (Puntillo 1996), Si.
Description: Thallus fruticose-filamentous, greenish, shrubby to usually subpendulous, (2-)8-15(-30) cm long, branching mainly anisotomic-dichotomously with parallel branches. Main branches irregularly thick for most of their length, 1-1.5 mm thick, often foveolate or with transverse furrows, the basal part black on a narrow and irregular zone, rarely conspicuously blackened on 2-4 mm, sometimes concolorous with branches, with few indistinct annular cracks. Lateral branches not constricted at attachment point, but sometimes more or less fusiform. Papillae sparse to abundant, especially on the main branches; tubercles few to numerous, with an eroded, whitish apex, often conspicuous on terminal, fertile branches; fibrils more or less numerous, especially in the basal parts, spinulose to slender, 1-6 mm long. Soralia and isidiomorphs absent. Cortex matt or weakly shiny in longitudinal section, thin to moderately thick, (2-)5-7.5 (-9) % of total branch thickness; medulla homogeneous, loose, rather thick (19-32 %), white; central axis white, rather thin (21-40 %). Apothecia common, zeorine, terminal or lateral, 3-15 mm across, with a greenish disc and a fibrillose margin, the disc P-, KC-. Asci 8-spored, Lecanora-type. Ascospores 1-celled, hyaline, broadly ellipsoid, 7-9 x 5-6.5 µm. Photobiont chlorococcoid. Spot tests and chemistry: cortex K-, C-, P-, with usnic acid; medulla with different chemotypes: 1) without medullary substances (K-, P-). 2) with salazinic (main) and consalazinic acids (K+ yellow to red, P+ yellow-orange); 3) with psoromic and conpsoromic acids (K+ yellow, P+ dirty yellow). A fourth chemotype with protocetraric acid (K-, P+ orange) is known from North America.
Note: a polymorphic and not clearly understood taxon, most common on conifers in humid montane forests, which is treated here in a very broad sense.
Growth form: Fruticose filamentous
Substrata: bark
Photobiont: green algae other than Trentepohlia
Reproductive strategy: mainly sexual

Commonnes-rarity: (info)

Alpine belt: absent
Subalpine belt: rather common
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: very rare
Submediterranean belt: absent
Padanian area: absent
Humid submediterranean belt: absent
Humid mediterranean belt: absent
Dry mediterranean belt: absent

pH of the substrata:


Solar irradiation:








Altitudinal distribution:


Predictive model
Herbarium samples

Tiiu Tõrra; Owner: Tiiu Tõrra - Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, Estonia

Tiiu Tõrra; Owner: Tiiu Tõrra - Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, Estonia

Tiiu Tõrra; Owner: Tiiu Tõrra - Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, Estonia

Tiiu Tõrra; Owner: Tiiu Tõrra - Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, Estonia

Tiiu Tõrra; Owner: Tiiu Tõrra - Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, Estonia

Tiiu Tõrra; Owner: Tiiu Tõrra - Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, Estonia

Walter Obermayer CC BY-SA 4.0 - Source: Lichens of Noricum -

Walter Obermayer CC BY-SA 4.0 - Source: Lichens of Noricum -

Walter Obermayer CC BY-SA 4.0 - Source: Lichens of Noricum -

Walter Obermayer CC BY-SA 4.0 - Source: Lichens of Noricum -

Walter Obermayer CC BY-SA 4.0 - Source: Lichens of Noricum -

Walter Obermayer CC BY-SA 4.0 - Source: Lichens of Noricum -

Bernard Bouffinier - Source:
France, Pyrenees Cauterets

Bernard Bouffinier - Source:
France, Pyrenees Cauterets

Bernard Bouffinier - Source:
France, Pyrenees Cauterets

Bernard Bouffinier - Source:
France, Pyrenees Cauterets

Bernard Bouffinier - Source:
France, Pyrenees Cauterets

Jacques Haine - Source:
France, Vercors Massif

Jacques Haine - Source:
France, Vercors Massif

Jacques Haine - Source:
France, Vercors Massif

Jacques Haine - Source:
France, Vercors Massif

Jacques Haine - Source:
France, Vercors Massif

Jacques Haine - Source:
France, Vercors Massif

Jacques Haine - Source:
France, Vercors Massif

Jacques Haine - Source:
France, Vercors Massif

Jacques Haine - Source:
France, Vercors Massif

Jacques Haine - Source:
France, Vercors Massif

Jacques Haine - Source:
France, Vercors Massif