Cyrtidula hippocastani (DC.) R.C. Harris

More Florida Lichens: 65, 1995. Basionym: Verrucaria hippocastani DC. in Lamarck & de Candolle - Fl. Franç., éd. 3, 2: 314, 1805.
Synonyms: Cyrtidula ptelaeodes (Ach.) Minks; Dermatina ptelaeodes (Ach.) Zahlbr.; Mycoporum hippocastani (DC.) Coppins
Distribution: N - VG (TSB 12790), TAA (Arnold, Lich. Exs. Nr. 1573: S-F76071).
Description: Thallus indistinct, doubtfully lichenized, mostly endosubstratic. Perithecia black, 0.1-0.2 mm wide, circular in outline, unilocular. Involucrellum dark brown to black, K-, of compact hyphae intermixed with bark cells not continuous below the exciple; hymenial gel I-; pseudoparaphyses branched but not anastomosing, short-celled, submoniliform. Asci 8-spored, globose or broadly pear-shaped, bitunicate, with an I- tholus, c. 40-45 x 17-20 µm. Ascospores with 3(-4)-transverse septa and 0-2 transverse cells with a longitudinal septum, hyaline, ellipsoid, 11-17 x 4-6.5 µm. Photobiont probably absent, thallus sometimes loosely associated with Trentepohlia. Chemistry: without lichen substances.
Note: on the branches of different broad-leaved trees in the submediterranean belt; the Italian material was collected on Fraxinus ornus.
Growth form: Fungus
Substrata: bark
Reproductive strategy: mainly sexual
Pioneer species

Commonnes-rarity: (info)

Alpine belt: absent
Subalpine belt: absent
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: absent
Submediterranean belt: rare
Padanian area: absent
Humid submediterranean belt: rare
Humid mediterranean belt: absent
Dry mediterranean belt: absent

pH of the substrata:


Solar irradiation:








Altitudinal distribution:


Predictive model
Herbarium samples