Lempholemma intricatum (Arnold) Zahlbr.

Cat. Lich. Univ., 3: 23, 1924. Basionym: Omphalaria intricata Arnold - Flora, 52: 254, 1869.
Synonyms: Leciophysma fennicum Räsänen; Lempholemma fennicum (Räsänen) Degel.; Synalissa intricata (Arnold) Nyl.
Distribution: N - Frl (Henssen & Tretiach 1995), Ven (Nascimbene & al. 2021), TAA (Nascimbene & al. 2022).
Description: Thallus small-fruticose, filamentous, homoiomerous, gelatinous when wet, dark brown to almost black, sometimes grey-pruinose, consisting of up to 0.2 mm thick and up to 5 mm long, furcate, adpressed, entangled, longitudinally weakly wrinkled branches, forming up to 3 cm wide, small carpets or loose, flattened cushions. Apothecia (pycnoascocarps) rare, laminal, developing from pycnidia, globose, semi-immersed, up to 0.2 mm across, with a brown, finally convex disc. Proper exciple very thin, of parallel hyphae; epithecium brownish; hymenium and hypothecium colourless, the hymenial gel I+ reddish, K/I+ blue; paraphyses mostly simple, not apically thickened, coherent. Asci 8-spored, prototunicate, cylindrical, without a distinct apical apparatus. Ascospores 1-celled, hyaline, subglobose to broadly ellipsoid, 10-14 x 8-11 μm, with a gelatinous perispore which dissolves in K. Pycnidia dark, immersed, pyriform. Conidia acrogenous, bacilliform or fusiform, 4-5 x 1-1.5 μm. Photobiont cyanobacterial (Nostoc, the individual cells 4-5 μm wide, arranged in short chains). Spot tests: all negative. Chemistry: without lichen substances.
Note: on steeply inclined surfaces of calcareous or basic siliceous rocks in seepage tracks, mostly in humid areas, perhaps more widespread in the Alps.
Growth form: Fruticose

Substrata: rocks
Photobiont: cyanobacteria, filamentous (e.g. Nostoc, Scytonema)
Reproductive strategy: mainly sexual
Most common in areas with a humid-warm climate (e.g. most of Tyrrenian Italy)
On otherwise dry surfaces with short periods of water seepage after rain

Commonnes-rarity: (info)

Alpine belt: absent
Subalpine belt: extremely rare
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: extremely rare
Submediterranean belt: extremely rare
Padanian area: absent
Humid submediterranean belt: absent
Humid mediterranean belt: absent
Dry mediterranean belt: absent

pH of the substrata:


Solar irradiation:








Altitudinal distribution:


Predictive model
Herbarium samples

P.L. Nimis CC BY-SA 4.0
TSB 24284

P.L. Nimis; Owner: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
Herbarium: TSB (24284)

P.L. Nimis; Owner: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
Herbarium: TSB (31377)

Felix Schumm; Owner: CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_31377], Italy, Friuli, Carnic Alps, Passo del Pura, Southern slopes of Mt. Nauleni, c. 2100 m, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach, 27.07.1999

Felix Schumm; Owner: CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_31377], Italy, Friuli, Carnic Alps, Passo del Pura, Southern slopes of Mt. Nauleni, c. 2100 m, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach, 27.07.1999

Felix Schumm; Owner: CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_31377], Italy, Friuli, Carnic Alps, Passo del Pura, Southern slopes of Mt. Nauleni, c. 2100 m, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach, 27.07.1999

Felix Schumm; Owner: CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_31377], Italy, Friuli, Carnic Alps, Passo del Pura, Southern slopes of Mt. Nauleni, c. 2100 m, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach, 27.07.1999

Felix Schumm; Owner: CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_31377], Italy, Friuli, Carnic Alps, Passo del Pura, Southern slopes of Mt. Nauleni, c. 2100 m, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach, 27.07.1999

P.L. Nimis; Owner: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
Herbarium: TSB (24284)

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_31377], Italy, Friuli, Carnic Alps, Passo del Pura, Southern slopes of Mt. Nauleni, c. 2100 m, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach, 27.07.1999.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_31377], Italy, Friuli, Carnic Alps, Passo del Pura, Southern slopes of Mt. Nauleni, c. 2100 m, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach, 27.07.1999.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_31377], Italy, Friuli, Carnic Alps, Passo del Pura, Southern slopes of Mt. Nauleni, c. 2100 m, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach, 27.07.1999.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_31377], Italy, Friuli, Carnic Alps, Passo del Pura, Southern slopes of Mt. Nauleni, c. 2100 m, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach, 27.07.1999.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_31377], Italy, Friuli, Carnic Alps, Passo del Pura, Southern slopes of Mt. Nauleni, c. 2100 m, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach, 27.07.1999.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_31377], Italy, Friuli, Carnic Alps, Passo del Pura, Southern slopes of Mt. Nauleni, c. 2100 m, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach, 27.07.1999.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[TSB_31377], Italy, Friuli, Carnic Alps, Passo del Pura, Southern slopes of Mt. Nauleni, c. 2100 m, on limestone. Leg. M. Tretiach, 27.07.1999.

Pier Luigi Nimis - CC BY-SA 4.0
TSB 24284

Pier Luigi Nimis - CC BY-SA 4.0
TSB 24284

Pier Luigi Nimis - CC BY-SA 4.0
TSB 24284

Pier Luigi Nimis - CC BY-SA 4.0
TSB 24284

Pier Luigi Nimis - CC BY-SA 4.0
TSB 24284

Pier Luigi Nimis - CC BY-SA 4.0
TSB 24284

Pier Luigi Nimis - CC BY-SA 4.0
TSB 24284