Arthonia parantillarum Aptroot

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[ABL18247], Brazil, Sergipe, Parque National Serra de Itabaiana, summit. 10°44'11'' S, 37°21'47'' W, 650 m. In transitional forest to caatinga, on wood. Leg. M. Cáceres & A. Aptroot, (no. 18247), 17. Sept 2013, det. A. Aptroot 2013.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[ABL18247], Brazil, Sergipe, Parque National Serra de Itabaiana, summit. 10°44'11'' S, 37°21'47'' W, 650 m. In transitional forest to caatinga, on wood. Leg. M. Cáceres & A. Aptroot, (no. 18247), 17. Sept 2013, det. A. Aptroot 2013.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[ABL42745], Brazil, Alagoas, Quebrangulo, Pedra Talhada private area. In in Atlantic rain forest on wooden pale. 9°15’ S, 36°25’35’’ W, 500-700 m. Leg. M. Cáceres & A. Aptroot (no 42745), 21-23.10.2017. Det. A. Aptroot, 2017.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[ABL42745], Brazil, Alagoas, Quebrangulo, Pedra Talhada private area. In in Atlantic rain forest on wooden pale. 9°15’ S, 36°25’35’’ W, 500-700 m. Leg. M. Cáceres & A. Aptroot (no 42745), 21-23.10.2017. Det. A. Aptroot, 2017.