Ramalina breviuscula (Nyl.) Nyl.
Flora, 55: 426, 1872. Basionym: Ramalina cuspidata f. breviuscula Nyl. - Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie, ser. 2, 4: 159, 1870.
Synonyms: Ramalina mediterranea H. Magn.; Ramalina pollinaria var. pulvinata Anzi; Ramalina pulvinata (Anzi) Nyl.
Distribution: N - Lig (Jatta 1909-1911). C - Tosc, Laz (Gigante & Petriccione 1995), Sar (Monte 1993, Neuwirth 2018, Spjut & al. 2020). S - Cal (Puntillo 1996), Si (Ottonello & Romano 1997, Ottonello & al. 2011).
Description: Thallus fruticose, yellowish green to greenish grey, shrubby, forming small, 1-3 cm wide cushions. Laciniae simple or branched only at base, crowded, erect, flattened and strap-shaped, 0.5-3(-4) mm wide and 0.5-3 cm long, foveolate-reticulate, sometimes with a few pseudocyphellae, the apices more or less broadened. Medulla white, solid. Apothecia absent to numerous, lecanorine, mostly subapical, concolorous with thallus, with a concave, greenish, often pruinose disc and a smooth to slightly rugose thalline margin. Epithecium pale olive; hymenium and hypothecium colourless; paraphyses thick-walled, richly branched in upper part. Asci 8-spored, clavate to cylindrical-clavate, the apical dome K/I+ dark blue with a pale, conical-pointed apical cushion (axial mass) never penetrating through the entire d-layer, the wall K/I-, but the thin outer gel K/I+ blue, Bacidia-type. Ascospores 1-septate, hyaline, slightly curved, 9-16 x 4-6 µm. Photobiont chlorococcoid. Spot tests: thallus K-, C-, KC- or KC+ yellowish, P-. Chemistry: cortex with usnic acid.Note: a mainly Mediterranean species found on coastal siliceous rocks; one of the most common epilithic species of the genus along the Mediterranean coasts, with a Tyrrhenian distribution in Italy. It belongs to a complex in need of revision.
Growth form: Fruticose
Substrata: rocks
Photobiont: green algae other than Trentepohlia
Reproductive strategy: mainly sexual
Poorly known taxon in need of further study
Taxon bound to maritime-coastal situations
Commonnes-rarity: (info)
Alpine belt: absent
Subalpine belt: absent
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: absent
Submediterranean belt: absent
Padanian area: absent
Humid submediterranean belt: absent
Humid mediterranean belt: common
Dry mediterranean belt: rather common

Predictive model
Herbarium samples

Courtesy Danièle et Olivier Gonnet - Source: https://www.afl-lichenologie.fr/Photos_AFL/Photos_AFL_R/Textes_R/Ramalina_breviuscula.htm
France, 7/12/2014 - île de Cavallo, Pianotolli, Caldarellu - Corse

Courtesy Danièle et Olivier Gonnet - Source: https://www.afl-lichenologie.fr/Photos_AFL/Photos_AFL_R/Textes_R/Ramalina_breviuscula.htm
France, 7/12/2014 - île de Cavallo, Pianotolli, Caldarellu - Corse

Courtesy Danièle et Olivier Gonnet - Source: https://www.afl-lichenologie.fr/Photos_AFL/Photos_AFL_R/Textes_R/Ramalina_breviuscula.htm
Italy, 4/9/2011 - Stintino - Sardaigne

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Caldano

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Caldano

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Caldano

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Caldano

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Caldano

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Campomoro

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Campomoro

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Campomoro

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Campomoro

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Campomoro

Michel David - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Calvi

Michel David - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Calvi

Michel David - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Calvi

Michel David - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Bonifacio

Michel David - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Ile du Levant

Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse

Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse

Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse
Growth form: Fruticose
Substrata: rocks
Photobiont: green algae other than Trentepohlia
Reproductive strategy: mainly sexual
Poorly known taxon in need of further study
Taxon bound to maritime-coastal situations
Commonnes-rarity: (info)
Alpine belt: absent
Subalpine belt: absent
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: absent
Submediterranean belt: absent
Padanian area: absent
Humid submediterranean belt: absent
Humid mediterranean belt: common
Dry mediterranean belt: rather common

Predictive model
Herbarium samples |

Courtesy Danièle et Olivier Gonnet - Source: https://www.afl-lichenologie.fr/Photos_AFL/Photos_AFL_R/Textes_R/Ramalina_breviuscula.htm
France, 7/12/2014 - île de Cavallo, Pianotolli, Caldarellu - Corse

Courtesy Danièle et Olivier Gonnet - Source: https://www.afl-lichenologie.fr/Photos_AFL/Photos_AFL_R/Textes_R/Ramalina_breviuscula.htm
France, 7/12/2014 - île de Cavallo, Pianotolli, Caldarellu - Corse

Courtesy Danièle et Olivier Gonnet - Source: https://www.afl-lichenologie.fr/Photos_AFL/Photos_AFL_R/Textes_R/Ramalina_breviuscula.htm
Italy, 4/9/2011 - Stintino - Sardaigne

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Caldano

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Caldano

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Caldano

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Caldano

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Caldano

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Campomoro

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Campomoro

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Campomoro

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Campomoro

Bernard Bouffinier - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Campomoro

Michel David - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Calvi

Michel David - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Calvi

Michel David - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Calvi

Michel David - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse, Bonifacio

Michel David - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Ile du Levant

Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse

Jacques Haine - Source: http://www.lichensmaritimes.org/index.php?task=fiche&lichen=899&lang=en
France, Corse