Chrysothrix candelaris (L.) J.R. Laundon

Lichenologist, 13: 110, 1981. Basionym: Byssus candelaris L. - Sp. Pl., 2: 1169, 1753.
Synonyms: Chaenotheca trichialis f. candelaris Dalla Torre & Sarnth.; Crocynia flava auct.; Crocynia flavissima B. de Lesd.; Lepra candelaris auct. p.p.; Lepra citrina auct. ital. p.p.; Lepra flava auct. ital. p.p.; Lepraria candelaris (L.) Fr.; Lepraria citrina auct. p.p.
Distribution: N - VG (Carvalho 1997), Frl, Ven (Nascimbene & Caniglia 1997, 2003c, Caniglia & al. 1999, Nascimbene 2008c, 2011), TAA (Nascimbene & Caniglia 2000b, Caniglia & al. 2002, Lich. Graec. 228: Obermayer 2003, Nascimbene 2005b, 2006b, 2008b, 2013, 2014, 2022, Thor & Nascimbene 2007, Nascimbene & al. 2007b, 2009, 2010, 2014, Lang 2009, Nascimbene & Marini 2015, Nimis & al. 2015, Trindade & al. 2021), Lomb (Valcuvia & Truzzi 2007b, Alessio & al. 1992, Nascimbene & al. 2006e), Piem (Caniglia & al. 1992, Piervittori 2003, Matteucci & al. 2010), VA (Piervittori & Isocrono 1999), Emil (Nimis & al. 1996, Tretiach & al. 2008, Benesperi 2009, Fariselli & al. 2020), Lig (Putortì & al. 1999b, Giordani & al. 2001, 2002, Brunialti & Giordani 2003, Giordani 2006, Giordani & Incerti 2008). C - Tosc (Tretiach & Nimis 1994, Loppi & Putortì 1995b, Loppi & al. 1996b, 1997b, Putortì & al. 1999, Loppi & Frati 2006, Stofer 2006, Tretiach & al. 2008, Brunialti & Frati 2010, Pasquinelli & Puccini 2010, Benesperi 2011, Loppi & Baragatti 2011, Paoli & al. 2012, Brunialti & al. 2012b, Brackel 2015, Frati & Brunialti 2023), Marc (Nimis & Tretiach 1999), Umb (Ravera 1998, Panfili 2000b, 2007, Ravera & al. 2006), Laz (Bartoli & al. 1997, Massari & Ravera 2002, Ravera 2006c, 2008b, Ruisi & al. 2005, Munzi & al. 2007, Ravera & Genovesi 2008, Zucconi & al. 2013), Abr (Olivieri & al. 1997, 1997b, Loppi & al. 1999, Nimis & Tretiach 1999, Caporale & al. 2016), Mol (Nimis & Tretiach 1999, Caporale & al. 2008, Ravera & al. 2010, Brackel 2020), Sar (Zedda 2002, Zedda & Sipman 2001, Zedda & al. 2001, Rizzi & al. 2011, Neuwirth 2018, Di Nuzzo & al. 2022). S - Camp (Aprile & al. 2002, 2003, 2003b, Nimis & Tretiach 2004, Brunialti & al. 2010, 2013, Garofalo & al. 2010, Ravera & Brunialti 2013, Catalano & al. 2016), Pugl (Nimis & Tretiach 1999), Bas (Nimis & Tretiach 1999, Potenza 2006), Cal (Puntillo 1995, 1996, Puntillo & Puntillo 2004, Incerti & Nimis 2006), Si (Czeczguga & al. 1999, Caniglia & Grillo 2006b, Ottonello & al. 2011, Campisi & al. 2020).
Description: Thallus leprose, woolly-textured, poorly delimited, usually thin (less than 0.4 mm thick), sometimes of scattered granules, but usually continuous to rarely cracked, colouring rather large surfaces of a bright yellow colour, consisting of a mass of fine soredia-like granules measuring (10-)25-40(-70) µm; medulla usually not evident, in thick thalli sometimes indistinctly present, yellow. Apothecia very rare, biatorine, up to 0.5 mm across, round or angular, with a flat to slightly convex, pale orange-yellow, often yellow-pruinose disc, and a thin, ecorticate, soon excluded proper margin. Proper exciple poorly developed, up to 10 µm thick; epithecium colourless, up to 18 µm high; hymenium colourless, up to 50 µm high; paraphysoids 1-1.5 µm thick, richly branched and anastomosing, intertwined in epithecium; hypothecium colourless, poorly developed. Asci 8-spored, clavate, with a K/I+ blue layer between the two walls which is thicker in the apical part, becoming more diffuse downwardly. Ascospores 1-3-septate, hyaline, 9-14 x 3 µm. Photobiont chlorococcoid. Spot tests: K- or K+ faintly orange, C-, KC- or KC+ faintly orange, P- or P+ faintly orange, UV- or UV+ dull orange. Chemistry: calycin or pinastric acid, rarely both.
Note: a cool-temperate to circumboreal-montane lichen found on dry, shaded parts of trunks of deciduous and coniferous trees, on faces protected from rain, sometimes on lignum.
Growth form: Leprose
Substrata: bark
Photobiont: green algae other than Trentepohlia
Reproductive strategy: mainly asexual, by soredia, or soredia-like structures (e.g. blastidia)
In underhangs rarely wetted by rain

Commonnes-rarity: (info)

Alpine belt: absent
Subalpine belt: extremely rare
Oromediterranean belt: absent
Montane belt: rather common
Submediterranean belt: rather rare
Padanian area: extremely rare
Humid submediterranean belt: common
Humid mediterranean belt: rather rare
Dry mediterranean belt: absent

pH of the substrata:


Solar irradiation:








Altitudinal distribution:


Predictive model
Herbarium samples

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[19452], Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Kreis Ludwigsburg, im Krummbachtal zwischen Büsnau und Gerlingen (Kücherain), 48.76951° N, 9.05428° E, 428 m, im Laubwald an der Stammbasis von Quercus, TK: 7220/NW. Leg. F. Schumm, 22.05.2016.

P.L. Nimis; Owner: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
Herbarium: TSB (26680)

Andres Saag; Owner: University of Tartu

P.L.Nimis; Owner: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
Herbarium: TSB (35165)

P.L. Nimis; Owner: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
Italy, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Udine, Bosco della Stua, Lago di Sauris, 1000m

P.L. Nimis; Owner: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
Italy, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Udine, Passo del Pura, ampezzo Carnico, 1400 m

P.L. Nimis; Owner: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
Italy, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Udine, Passo del Pura, Ampezzo Carnico, 1400 m

P.L. Nimis; Owner: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
Italy, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Udine, Passo del Pura, Ampezzo Carnico, 1400 m

Leif Stridvall - Source: (Courtesy: Anita Stridvall)

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[17172], Mexico, Baja California Sur, Sierra de la Laguna, E of Todos Santos, trail to Sierra de la Laguna, subtropical thorn forest bordering the Sonoran Desert to Oak forest, on bark of a deciduous tree. 24°32' N, 110°00' W. Leg. K. & A. Kalb & Th.Nash, 03.01.1991. KALB: LICHENES NEOTROPICI 498.

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[19452], Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Kreis Ludwigsburg, im Krummbachtal zwischen Büsnau und Gerlingen (Kücherain), 48.76951° N, 9.05428° E, 428 m, im Laubwald an der Stammbasis von Quercus, TK: 7220/NW. Leg. F. Schumm, 22.05.2016.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[17172], Mexico, Baja California Sur, Sierra de la Laguna, E of Todos Santos, trail to Sierra de la Laguna, subtropical thorn forest bordering the Sonoran Desert to Oak forest, on bark of a deciduous tree. 24°32' N, 110°00' W. Leg. K. & A. Kalb & Th.Nash, 03.01.1991. KALB: LICHENES NEOTROPICI 498.

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[19452], Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Kreis Ludwigsburg, im Krummbachtal zwischen Büsnau und Gerlingen (Kücherain), 48.76951° N, 9.05428° E, 428 m, im Laubwald an der Stammbasis von Quercus, TK: 7220/NW. Leg. F. Schumm, 22.05.2016.

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[19452], Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Kreis Ludwigsburg, im Krummbachtal zwischen Büsnau und Gerlingen (Kücherain), 48.76951° N, 9.05428° E, 428 m, im Laubwald an der Stammbasis von Quercus, TK: 7220/NW. Leg. F. Schumm, 22.05.2016.

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[19452], Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Kreis Ludwigsburg, im Krummbachtal zwischen Büsnau und Gerlingen (Kücherain), 48.76951° N, 9.05428° E, 428 m, im Laubwald an der Stammbasis von Quercus, TK: 7220/NW. Leg. F. Schumm, 22.05.2016.

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[19452], Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Kreis Ludwigsburg, im Krummbachtal zwischen Büsnau und Gerlingen (Kücherain), 48.76951° N, 9.05428° E, 428 m, im Laubwald an der Stammbasis von Quercus, TK: 7220/NW. Leg. F. Schumm, 22.05.2016.

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[19452], Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Kreis Ludwigsburg, im Krummbachtal zwischen Büsnau und Gerlingen (Kücherain), 48.76951° N, 9.05428° E, 428 m, im Laubwald an der Stammbasis von Quercus, TK: 7220/NW. Leg. F. Schumm, 22.05.2016.

Felix Schumm – CC BY-SA 4.0
[19452], Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Kreis Ludwigsburg, im Krummbachtal zwischen Büsnau und Gerlingen (Kücherain), 48.76951° N, 9.05428° E, 428 m, im Laubwald an der Stammbasis von Quercus, TK: 7220/NW. Leg. F. Schumm, 22.05.2016.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[9588], Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Kreis Schramberg, westliche Talseite im Schiltachtal, 3 km südlich Schramberg, auf Kiefernrinde, 550 m, TK: 7716/SW. Leg. V. Wirth & U. Schwarz 21.11.1992, det. V. Wirth 1992.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[9588], Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Kreis Schramberg, westliche Talseite im Schiltachtal, 3 km südlich Schramberg, auf Kiefernrinde, 550 m, TK: 7716/SW. Leg. V. Wirth & U. Schwarz 21.11.1992, det. V. Wirth 1992.

Felix Schumm - CC BY-SA 4.0
[9588], Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Kreis Schramberg, westliche Talseite im Schiltachtal, 3 km südlich Schramberg, auf Kiefernrinde, 550 m, TK: 7716/SW. Leg. V. Wirth & U. Schwarz 21.11.1992, det. V. Wirth 1992.

Pier Luigi Nimis - CC BY-SA 4.0
TSB 37232

Pier Luigi Nimis - CC BY-SA 4.0
TSB 37232

Bernard Bouffinier - Source:
France, Pont Croix

Bernard Bouffinier - Source:
France, Telgruc-sur-mer

Bernard Bouffinier - Source:
France, Crozon

Alain Gerault - Source:
France, Ria du Conquet

Alain Gerault - Source:
France, Ria du Conquet

Joël Querellou - Source:
France, Brest

Joël Querellou - Source:
France, Le Conquet

Joël Querellou - Source:
France, Le Conquet

Joël Querellou - Source:

Ulrich Kirschbaum CC BY-SA 4.0 - Source:
Austria; Alps: Tirol.